Saturday, June 10, 2017

My Big Sister Promotion

Hello! It's been a while! I've got lots to tell you.

Remember that photoshoot I was in last February?

I wasn't sure exactly what was going on. Mommy and Daddy set up a table and some chairs.
Then they added my tea set.

Once all that was in place, Mommy started fussing with different outfits for me.

She finally picked a beautiful dress. It was obvious to me something was going on, because we kept getting ready...

...and getting ready...

...and getting ready...

I was extra patient.

Then my cousin Rachel showed up with her camera. She is a very talented photographer.

She took several pictures of me.

At first I wasn't sure I was enjoying myself.

But then I was.

I just thought we were having a tea party. But do you see the photograph in the other chair?
It turned out to be a very important photograph.

Let me go back a bit.

I'm pretty easy going. I'm a happy person almost all the time.

I'm the real kind of cool. The kind that doesn't have to try.

But I'm a lot like most kids my age. I like to play with toys.
Here's me playing with a truck that Daddy played with when he was my age.

I enjoy going to my own personal zoo.

I enjoy coloring on the table.

I also enjoy coloring ON the table.

One of my latest hobbies is dandelion hunting.

Just like other lions you have to sneak up on them.

Although Mommy always gives me the option of riding in the shopping cart,
I actually like to drive.

I enjoy playing music.

I also have lots of good friends.
Here's me at Easter with my friend Adelaide.

Here's me with my cousin Lucy.

I have also taken an interest in sports. In particular, I really like my soccer ball.

One of my all time favorite things to do is crawl up into a rocking chair with a book.
I do it a lot at home.

But I also like to sit down with a book wherever there is an opportunity.

I also like to sit in the dog bed. I'm not sure why. I just like it.

I actually like to sit and ponder my thoughts in a variety of unusual places.

My favorite show is Sophia the First. There are 85 episodes and I've seen them all at least 5 times.
My favorite character is Clover.
I like to watch Sophia the First while I'm relaxing on the couch.

While I'm sitting in my shopping cart.

I even like to watch Sophia the First while I'm riding my rocking horse, Banjo.

As far as my dining preferences, I have a strong preference for spaghetti. I've been told that I partake of this culinary delicacy with a certain amount of elegance and savior faire.

I really enjoy being with my Mommy. During one of the last cold days before summer,
we roasted marshmallows together. 

Mommy is cool.

Daddy's all right too.

After taking a bath, I love to brush my teeth.

It's the best.

And then, just like everyone, I get some sleep.

I've got my routines. I've got my way of doing things.
But after that photoshoot, I began to suspect that things were changing.

More and more I had the feeling that something important was happening.
One morning in particular, I knew something was up.

Aunt Julie came and took a picture of me with Mommy and Daddy.
I'm the one in the middle.

I went with Aunt Julie and had a wonderful time.
I even got my license.

After a few days, Aunt Julie drove me to a big building. Mommy and Daddy were there
--and so was someone else.  
Her name is Nancy Ruth and she's my little sister.
I was kind of caught off guard.

But every time I saw her, I thought she was more and more interesting.

I came to see her a few times in the big building. Here she is with my cousin Rachel.
I'm eating Taco Bell and watching a show on an iPad. Guess what show.

A day or two later, Mommy, Daddy, and I all went home.
When I woke up the next morning, everything was very quiet.
Daddy let me wear one of his shirts, while I ate Cheerios and watched--well, you know.

Later, Mommy came out and you'll never guess who was with her.
Nancy Ruth!
I found out that since she's my little sister, she's going to be living with us!

I have to admit, I was little unsure about the plan.
But then I noticed she had the same nose as me.

She also had a bellybutton. Just like me.

I thought--this could work.

I said, "Hey Nancy. I'm your big sister."

And Nancy said, "Sounds good to me."

Then I said, "I love you Nancy Ruth."
And she said, "I love you too, Big Sister."

And I like the sound of that.

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